No matter what I lost, I am finally going to recover it!

Written on 02/21/2023
Ebenezer Sacramento

What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it, or what woman having ten drachmas, if she loses one drachma, does not light the lamp, and sweep the house, and search diligently until she finds it?"

Woman light the lamp and start looking for what you lost.

When we lose one thing the rest gets out of proportion in our life, it kind of makes a mess of everything we have. When you lose by carelessness what you have to do is to SEEK IT, you have to SEARCH. That is the way to restore, to find again what you lost. For example, to find again that son that was lost in drugs, the first thing you have to do is to go to the light of Jesus Christ, he will give him back to you, and you have to look for him with the light on, the promises of God are the ones that light up your mind so that you do not give up;  They are like a lamp to your feet that prevent you from stumbling over the same stone; and they are like a light to your daily walk, they make you meet people that will help you and bless you, anointed people that will show you how to find the way out.

Maybe you lost your faith because you neglected it, you let yourself be in faith, in communion, in the desire to be with the Lord, and until you do not turn on the light and begin to "sweep" until you find again what you lost and realize at what moment you did not believe God anymore, at what moment you lost the desire to congregate; or why the relationship with your children is so tense, why they get along badly, what was the word or the situation that caused the quarrel. Until you find the reason, you will continue to be anxious looking everywhere for answers.

How do you realize that what you lost was of great value?

To make you realize it, God is going to put a family in front of you so that you can see that they have what you lost: finances, gifts that those people used to have what they have, happier people, better health; He will do it with the sole intention of opening your eyes and see that you can have it again too.

The woman said: "I am going to get it back", she stood up and said: "if I had ten I am going to get those ten back", she was not satisfied with what she had left.

Why ten coins? Because we have ten fingers. God is going to fill our hands with all good things! We are going to make up for lost trips, lost dreams, lost projects, and so on.

This woman was not theoretical, she was practical. We usually live explaining everything and solve nothing. But today we are going to change, we are going to start solving everything. When the woman found the coin, she threw a party and invited her neighbors and friends.

 She only called them to celebrate with her, before she needed help, now she learned to solve any situation on her own.

Lord, tell me if it is worth it, and if it is worth it, I will go and get it all back!

Sometimes we lose things because of injustice, because someone swindled us or stole from us, the question we have to ask ourselves is: "Is it worthwhile for me to go now to get it back?" David always consulted God, one day an army of Amalekites came and stole even his family; then David and the people who were with him raised their voices and cried, until they lacked the strength to cry. But David decided to consult God: "if I go, will I defeat them? he was not satisfied with a war strategy but he was going to seek God's advice, he could say I have enough men of God, but in spite of that he consulted God and he gave him the strategy.

 Because there are things that if we get them back they make our life worse instead of better. Because when they come back into your life they ruin your life and the actual loss is worse than at the beginning. That is why always ask God: "Do I go now or do I go later?" because he knows the times and the strategy for you to recover and make your life better, because he is always working in your favor.

 Is what I get back going to bring something more to my present? Am I going to go back to that job that mistreated me, simply out of pride? Am I going to go back to that partner who beat me when God gave me a better life? What I get back should not be at any price!

The woman lit the lamp; all the houses by day and by night used lamps. I'm going to fill myself with God's promises, that's what the lamps symbolize. And she also grabbed the broom; that is the decisions. Smart people sometimes don't prosper because they don't make decisions. If you collect a certain amount of money, you don't like to lose money; that's how it happens in life, we want to continue to have a certain level of faith, and not diminish, but we have to learn to look for what WE LOST AND LOOK FOR IT WHERE THERE IS LIGHT.

 What things did you do that made you lose what is yours? What do you have to do to recover what you lost? If you start sweeping the house, and turn on the light, you will find what was lost, DO NOT RESIGN. Don't let the losses of the present put you in the wrong place.