You found me Jesus!

Written on 02/21/2023
Ebenezer Sacramento

In the darkest tunnel, in the dead end avenue, in the lonely park you found me Jesus, You are the best!

In a dead end, which was dark and there was no light, where there was only darkness and absence of your light, where there was nothing, not a single hope, You looked for me Jesus You're the best!!!

I was in a basement, and there was no light, I couldn't see anything, because I needed you alone, You are the best!

There was only night, everything was confusion, that clouded my sight and dulled your radiance, there were only shadows, shadows and shadows.

And you shone in me, and I saw your glory, and now I saw a light, which is you Jesus! You are the best!

You found me Jesus, You rescued me Jesus, You sought me Jesus!

There is no more darkness because I live in you.

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life. John 8:12

When at noon, O king, as I was going on my way, I saw a light from heaven, which exceeded the brightness of the sun, and it shone around me and those who were with me. Acts 26:13 

For with thee is the fountain of life;
In your light we shall see light. Psalm 36:9