Preserve your memories

Written on 02/21/2023
Ebenezer Sacramento

There is something wonderful about the book of Psalms, and that is when I read them, I find a strange mixture that makes me feel good. On the one hand, the psalmist thanks and exalts God with extraordinary words and phrases. When you read them, you think that you will never be able to write something similar, and I, at least, am moved to tears. However, on the other hand, there are also psalms loaded with much pain, despair, and uncertainty. How can it be explained then that the same man wrote both types of texts? Did David have bipolar disorder, and would he go from a state of euphoria to a state of deep depression? No, David was not bipolar; David was flesh and bone like you and me. He had "good" days and "bad" days, just like you or me.

Now do you understand why I said that I felt good when I read Psalms? Precisely the "humanity" of David connects me with him, it makes me understand that for him, life was like mine and that in the happiest moments, he turned to God with as much intensity as when difficult times came.

I don't know if it happens to you, but there are days when you feel that the love of God is coming out of your eyes; it is a feeling of being in the right place and moment, that you are finally enjoying one of the happiest moments of your life, and that everything is thanks to the immense love of Daddy. And the feeling is not just that, it is a reality that comes to life every time I celebrate and share it with others. These days of such happiness and abundant joy are the days that sustain your moments of solitude or sadness.

Much is said about forgetting the past and leaving behind your last victory so that it is not an obstacle to what is to come, but I am not entirely in agreement. I believe that God endowed us with an extraordinary ability to remember (although sometimes we would like to choose our memories, but that's another thing), and if we are able to evoke the most special and happy moments that we have had, those can be our engines to move forward on difficult days; that memory takes you to another place, to the place where everything is possible, where you can achieve what you set out to do, but best of all, to the place where you were once immensely happy.

If you could choose your memories right now, which ones would remain? What things have made you immensely happy and draw a smile on your face? Maybe it's an achievement, maybe it's a person or a very special date you had... It may be that the person is no longer by your side, but at some point, they contributed to making you happy. More than the memory, let's stay with what we felt at that moment and bring back happiness, gratitude, surprise, love, kindness, whatever it may be! Invite them in, let them enter and occupy your mind; these memories will help you remember that you were not always sad, that you did not always feel unloved, that you did not always feel disappointment...

If you had to choose just one memory to sustain your life today,

What would it be?

Catch it and don't let it go!