Meet true love

Written on 02/21/2023
Ebenezer Sacramento

How difficult it is to hide what we feel, of course for some it is more difficult than others, but if there is something certain that cannot be hidden it is a feeling as strong as love, not even God who is almighty could hide that love for us, so much so that he gave his son Jesus.

But unfortunately many ignore that love and do not want to accept it, because sadly we prefer small glimpses of the least that is love, when we look for it in the wrong person, we are satisfied with crumbs because we do not consider ourselves worthy of a great banquet.

Sometimes we discriminate ourselves and we think we are such bad people, that any resemblance to love excites us and makes us look away from true love, because we are people with flaws and therefore anyone on the road who apparently ¨accept us as we are¨ we fall surrendered in his arms.

Do you really believe that you deserve a simple affection and not a true love? in every sense of the word, how is it possible that you think you deserve anything when God sent his son to die on a cross for you and for me, have you not really thought about that, you must be worth a lot for the other person to give everything he has for you and form a world where you can live full of the things you need every day.

God's love is inexhaustible and incomparable, it is not like that of men that every day is decreasing, on the contrary it is a pure and strong love that remains strong every day, whatever happens, whatever you do without any condition, forgives you ALL, and continues by your side without reproaches and resentments.

Receive the love that God is giving you, while a person makes you suffer, there is a God who wants to make you happy, and maybe you have sought happiness and love in the wrong people, you feel that not even the love of your family fills the void you have, it is because it is time to give God the opportunity, check it out and see how you do, do not do it out of obligation or commitment but by necessity and desire.

Throw yourself in the arms of God, if you do it with a person who lies, fails, and who at any moment disappoints you when you have given him your trust, why not do it with our heavenly Father. Those wounds of the past make you no longer believe in love, so you need to be restored by the Holy Spirit. In order to make someone happy you must first understand and know what it is to truly love, to know the love of God, otherwise your relationships will always fail.

Once you know that perfect love, do not hesitate to show it, because no one is satisfied with words, unless they are accompanied by deeds, let God see in your walk that if you love Him, you can not lie to Him, do not hide what you feel for fear of what others will say, infect others with this great feeling.

 We know how much God loves us and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God and God lives in them.

1 John 4:16 (New Living Translation).

People come and go, but God's love remains constant. Look for true love in the fountain of living water and not in falling drops.