You found me Jesus!
Ebenezer Sacramento on 02/21/2023

You found me Jesus!

In the darkest tunnel, in the dead end avenue, in the lonely park you found me Jesus, You are the best!

E Ebenezer Sacramento
Your test results
Ebenezer Sacramento on 02/21/2023

Your test results

There are those who believe that the life of a believer is perfect and there are no difficulties, as if being a believer has an effect of immunity to the difficult circumstances of life, there are also those who when they see a test the first thing they think is: What have I done wrong, what did I do to deserve this, or worse, is it that God has moved away from me?

E Ebenezer Sacramento
Your presence suddenly
Ebenezer Sacramento on 02/21/2023

Your presence suddenly

There's an anointing that's falling

E Ebenezer Sacramento
Meet true love
Ebenezer Sacramento on 02/21/2023

Meet true love

How difficult it is to hide what we feel, of course for some it is more difficult than others, but if there is something certain that cannot be hidden it is a feeling as strong as love, not even God who is almighty could hide that love for us, so much so that he gave his son Jesus.

E Ebenezer Sacramento
No matter what I lost, I am finally going to recover it!
Ebenezer Sacramento on 02/21/2023

No matter what I lost, I am finally going to recover it!

What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it, or what woman having ten drachmas, if she loses one drachma, does not light the lamp, and sweep the house, and search diligently until she finds it?"

E Ebenezer Sacramento
Preserve your memories
Ebenezer Sacramento on 02/21/2023

Preserve your memories

There is something wonderful about the book of Psalms, and that is when I read them, I find a strange mixture that makes me feel good. On the one hand, the psalmist thanks and exalts God with extraordinary words and phrases. When you read them, you think that you will never be able to write something similar, and I, at least, am moved to tears. However, on the other hand, there are also psalms loaded with much pain, despair, and uncertainty. How can it be explained then that the same man wrote both types of texts? Did David have bipolar disorder, and would he go from a state of euphoria to a state of deep depression? No, David was not bipolar; David was flesh and bone like you and me. He had "good" days and "bad" days, just like you or me.

E Ebenezer Sacramento